Certified Public Accountants

R.A. Fredericks & Company, LLP


Certified Public Accountants, Forensic Accountants, Auditors, and Tax Advisors

Serving the profession for over forty-five years, we service the non-profit sector and closely-held businesses in the areas of specialties below:

  1. Demolition industry

  2. Scrap metal recycling

  3. Paper recycling

  4. Refuse disposition

  5. Boneyard

  6. Voluntary Health & Welfare organizations

  7. Religious orders

  8. Estates & Trusts

  9. Manufacturers

Located in the Country Office Condominium Complex adjacent to Lakeland Bank.




170 Changebridge Road
Unit B-4
Montville, NJ 07045


Note OUR new e-mail address.

Ralph Fredericks
Email: ralph@rafrederickscpa.com
Phone: (973) 575-6200 ex. 12
Fax: (973) 575-5444